Category: NeuroSky ThinkGear EEG

Added an option to normalize values

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It turns out Tre was onto something and Lucid Scribe works with the MyndPlay BrainBand out of the box.

Thanks to Leandro for getting it connected! Now we just need to figure out how to connect the grounding electrode more comfortably… maybe break the clip and use duct tape to keep it connected to the earlobe for extended periods?

Removed the Arduino options as there is now a plug-out for the Arduino.

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Updated the REM Detector algorithm to use the threshold value.

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Disabled the TCMP and NZT-48 channels by default.

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Removed the option to trigger tACS devices plugged in via the USB relay, as it is now in a plug-out: Yocto PowerRelay.

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Added the NewLine value to the end of the messages to the Arduino board.

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Sending the messages to the Arduino board as integers instead of strings.

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Added configuration options to trigger tACS devices connected via an Arduino board. The first drop down list determines the COM port the board is connected, the second drop down list sets the delay, in minutes. The first text box is the message it will send when eye movements are detected, and the second text box holds the message it will send after the delay has passed.

Let us pray that Jef doesn’t electrocute himself in his search for lucidity!

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Added configuration options to auto trigger a USB relay to turn on a tACS (Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation) device when eye movements are detected. Works with the Yocto-LatchedRelay for now, will add more relays or tACS devices by request. The text box lets you select the target device, “ANY” should work if you only have one. The first drop down list is the state it will change the relay to during REM, and the second drop down list is the state it will change the relay to when REM ends.

Also added a new channel, NZT-48, that will play a video when the Beta channel is above the threshold and pause it when it is below. The algorithm needs to be set to Beta for this to work and the text box needs to point to a video file on your computer. This one works for me: Burn E, and it helps the kids pay attention.

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