Category: Lucid Scribe

Lucid Scribe 1.5.0

Added video replay to channels with video recordings.


Lucid Scribe 1.4.9

Fixed the auto-updater and dusted off the LSDBase uploader.


It turns out Tre was onto something and Lucid Scribe works with the MyndPlay BrainBand out of the box.

Thanks to Leandro for getting it connected! Now we just need to figure out how to connect the grounding electrode more comfortably… maybe break the clip and use duct tape to keep it connected to the earlobe for extended periods?

Lucid Scribe 1.4.8

Added Tools -> Options -> Trigger Delay, which configures the delay, in minutes, that has to pass before the audio track or the plug-outs will be triggered after a plugin has detected eye movements or REM.


Lucid Scribe 1.4.7

Updated the interface to allow plugins to be re-configured from within the Plugin view while Lucid Scribe is running.


Lucid Scribe 1.4.6

Added Tools -> Options -> Time Between Triggers, which configures the minimum amount of time, in minutes, that has to pass before the next audio track or the plug-outs will be triggered again.


Lucid Scribe 1.4.5

Ensured that the current view starts off maximized.

steeph pointed out that Lucid Scribe could use some documentation… and went ahead and started an etherpad: Lucid Scribe Documentation. Feel free to join in… your efforts will be greatly appreciated!

Lucid Scribe 1.4.4

Replaced an obscure error message with a note that Windows Media player is required, added a “Maximize Values” option to the context menu of the minute view along with a “Split Stages” option to split stage data into Awake, REM, Light, Deep and Sleep, and flipped the icons for plug-outs.


Lucid Scribe 1.4.3

Added a time column for single-hour CSV exports.